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We Recommend... This section highlights outstanding resources for cell and molecular biology research. We recommend sites that are useful, well-organized and updated on a regular basis. Many excellent sites are being developed that revolve around specific topic areas, individual proteins and model organisms. All the Virology on the WWW (Tulane University) is a comprehensive collection of online virology resources. The Antibody Resource Page features an extensive compilation of antibody information and advice for locating specific antibodies. Chromatin Structure & Function Page is a nice index of online resources, including other chromatin web sites, researchers, hot papers and announcements. The CMS-SDSC Molecular Biology Resource is an excellent gateway site for bioinformatices information, biomolecular modeling resources, and sequence, structure and genome databases. Comprehensive Protocol Collection (Dartmouth) is an extensive collection of molecular biology protocols and C. elegans methods. ExPASy Molecular Biology Server (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics) provides access to SWISS-PROT, other protein and DNA sequence analysis resources, including a wealth of proteomics tools. Human 2-D PAGE Databases (Danish Centre for Human Genome Research) contains human and mouse 2D-PAGE proteome databases and image galleries focused on skin and bladder cells. The Kinesin Home Page is a collection of online information on kinesin and related proteins and includes sequences, movies, researchers and the latest reseach findings. Laboratory Survival Manual (University of Virginia) is a surprisingly fun resource for information on lab safety and hazardous materials (including first aid procedures). Model Organism Resources - there are now many outstanding sites providing information on specific model organisms. Molecular Biology Protocols (NWFSC) provides protocols for basic DNA, RNA and protein methods and has an active techniques forum. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) supplies extensive online resources for researchers, inluding PubMed, GenBank, BLAST, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) and the Entrez resources. Neurosciences on the Internet is a searchable and browsable guide to a wide range of online neuroscience resources. Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book (PPIGB) (University of Hanover) is a comprehensive guide for plant pathology and agricultural resources. Protein Kinase Resource (SDSC) is a compendium of information on protein kinases, including genomic and structural information, analysis tools and researchers. Protocol Online (DoubleTwist, Longcheng Li, UCSF) is an excellent new site that collects and organizes many of the protocols that are available on the Web into a useful, coherent database. RasMol Home Page (UMass) allows downloading and provides instruction in the use of RasMol and Chime, molecular visualization freeware. REBASE (The Restriction Enzyme Database) presents tons of information (published and unpublished) on restriction enzymes and methylases. Useful Tables including the genetic code, periodic table and amino acid information. |